Last night I was waiting for my husband to get up to go to work. It was a long night with a game of swapping, I didn't feel like surfing the net. So I surfed the tv. LOL!
What is it that sucks me in to the B movies?
Oh I don't know*giggles*, but of course I found something on Fearnet.com. The Butcher, year 2006. Ok the year is late enough so I settled myself down and began the movie.
You know how it goes with these movies,
so many cliches`. There were 6 college students driving on a little vacation.1st you have a big mouth kid, Mark that starts it all. Thinks he's funny. His girlfriend is a know it all, I can fix anything. And 2 girls that love each other. Last but not least another guy, Adam that really likes the girl who is sweet and likes everyone.
Car breaks down and kids get out of car and go wandering to find help. No phone signal of course. Oh what is that a head of us? A farmhouse, lets go and get help. The only thing that big mouth says right is "Didn't you ever see any scary movies?, no one ever comes out of the farm house". Not heading his word they go in. They don't find anyone, or a phone but still pick up stuff and look at it.
You know if that was me. Not uh! not me I'm not staying. LOL!
Movie goes on and 1 by 1 the kids all die. Don't you think after the 1st one died they would get out of there? No girlfriend named Rachel, can fix anything, she is going to get the rest out. She was counting on this girl, named Angel that they all met and thought she was a victim of this man and woman who were cutting up people and storing their parts in the ref. to help her.But to
Rachel's surprise Angel was man and woman's daughter.
Well Rachel and Adam were the only ones left alive. Adam thinks that he got away only to find more dead people on the road. He finally tracks down the sheriff. But we all know what happens to the sheriff don't we?
A lot of screaming goes on. Yada,Yada! Adam and Rachel get to the point that they think they killed the man, woman and daughter. Sadly though Adam risked his life. Rachael runs out on road found help.
Or did she?What a movie. How can I not want to watch the same things happening over and over. Where I just love asking them why?Now that's scary. LOL!